July 12, 2005
When a Mouse isn't a Mouse

It's as if dozens of plant managers sighed in relief, and then were suddenly silent:

Last month we told you about a St. Charles woman who made a startling discovery in her jar of Jif peanut butter. In a NewsChannel 5 follow up, the test results are in. We now know what scientists say that object was.
David Herman is Senior Counsel for the Food Products Association, the company hired by Smucker to conduct the tests. He says, "We're looking at pieces of apple, apple skin, a stem, and two seeds we found."

Being the Uber-geeks we are, Ellen and I regularly watch food production shows like "Unwrapped". Because it's interesting! It is too!

Anyway, it's amazing to see just how carefully designed these food production factories are. I've never seen the particular factory in question, but similar ones go to great effort to ensure the container is held upside down until the very last second, and then sealed immediately after the product is poured in. We're talking fractions of a second between the time something else can fall in to the time it's just impossible for something to fall in.

Small wonder that the vast majority of these cases end up being after-the-fact. Considering the liability involved, it's definitely worth paying extra for a properly designed factory.

Posted by scott at July 12, 2005 12:45 PM

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