Yes, Olivia can be a pain sometimes*, but all it takes is a story like this to show just how lucky we have it:
My wife, oldest daughter, and I love to bike. However, our younger daughter (Hannah) has cerebral palsy which makes it very hard for her little 5 year old legs to keep up, much less remain straight in the seat. After fooling around with a training wheel bike (still too unstable) and a trike [...], we had all but given up on finding her a ride that was economical and stable for her to ride.Well, a week or so ago, while getting a tune on my bike I noticed a Adams trail-a-bike at my LBS. I asked a few questions about it and purchased it the next day.
If you don't get a smile at the end of the story... well, let's say I'm just gonna have to take back your "humanity" merit badge, mmkay?
We're going to get the same thing for Olivia when we're certain she won't roll off the back like an unsecured watermelon. But that's by choice. I can only respect and admire the folks who... well... you know...
* Grammas, pleased to be sitting down and being quiet. You get to give her back when she boils over.
Smile through tears and gratitude that we have two happy, healthy young ones in our family.
Posted by: Pat on June 2, 2005 09:19 PM