Me: "That's weird."
Joshua: "What?"
"There're are only five airplanes on the flight line. There should be six."
"Yeah. Four for the diamond, and two for the solos. They never lose someone because of a mechanical failure. They carry two D models [two seaters -ed] just for media hops, and those'll do fine. But there are only five."
"Huh. Well, gives me something to look forward to next year, no?"
We never did find out why only five took part in the airshow. This time, it was three for the "diamond" (as it were) and two solos. I can only speculate that one of the pilots (probably one of the solos, because that section of the show was kinda weak) already had the nasty flu-thing that I ended up with the next day. It was surprising how much I missed the extra man. But we still had fun.
It would've been nice, though, for them to tell us what the heck was going on.