April 26, 2005
Paging Captain Obvious, White Courtesy Phone Please

Remember folks, cause and effect should never stand in the way of your bias politics agenda point of view:

While the crime rate has fallen over the past decade, the number of people in prison and jail is outpacing the number of inmates released, said the report's co-author, Paige Harrison.

Nope, no connection at all. Nothing to see here folks, please don't mind the man behind the curtain.

But wait! It gets better! (emphasis added):

Florida has a track record as a gun-law trendsetter. In the mid-1980s, the NRA chose Florida to launch a push for "conceal carry" or "right-to-carry" laws.
At the time, fewer than a dozen states had right-to-carry laws. Now there are 38.

[O]pponents [of Florida's recently passed "meet force with force" law] counter that Florida's drop [in violent crimes over the past 16 years] is not tied to the gun law and note that national violent-crime rates have been trending down.

Of course, the reporters aren't the ones who are biased. They're just regurgitating press releases (the first story is AP, but was essentially identical to the WaPo story I read). It's not their fault the sources have an agenda. I mean, come on, do you actually expect them to find other points of view? Present both sides with equal time and even treatment? Actually get out and do some reporting instead of parroting press releases from their friends? Find out the truth?!? That's not their job!

Oh, wait...

Posted by scott at April 26, 2005 10:52 AM

eMail this entry!

Of course this is the schlock you get. We can't have people admitting that they're wrong, can we?

On a side note, I saw an article (either in the NY Times or WaPo) talking about how the expiration of the 'assault' weapons ban hasn't had any impact on crime or sales of said weapons. When they quoted the anti-firearm types, they said that's because the law was too porous, not because it was a stupid law to start with (it only banned weapons that looked military, not assault weapons - which have been only available to criminals or licensed collectors since the '70's as I remember it...)

Posted by: ronaprhys on April 26, 2005 12:54 PM
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