April 19, 2005
But is it Art?

Let's just say this idiot should be happy he did this in the UK, because in many (not all) states in the US it's legal to shoot people in defense of your property:

An artist who randomly vandalised nearly 50 cars for a project said the owners should be happy they were part of his "creative process".

Mark McGowan, 37, will exhibit pictures of himself scratching the vehicles' paintwork in London and Glasgow.

Would I shoot someone if I caught them running keys down my car? No, but I might introduce them to Mr. Louisville Slugger. You see, I have it on good authority shooting them causes too much paperwork.

OW! OW! Ok, who was the one dumb enough to give the stick to the buddhist in the first place?

Posted by scott at April 19, 2005 02:00 PM

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Not if you kill them. Much less paperwork than if you wound them...

Posted by: ronaprhys on April 19, 2005 02:28 PM
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