March 31, 2005
Monkey See / Monkey Do / Monkey Sign an Autograph for You

I think we may have mentioned the study before, but at any rate ABCnews is taking an in-depth look at indications that our fascination for celebrity may actually be hard-wired into us, and shared by our distant cousins:

Dr. Michael Platt, a neurobiologist at Duke University Medical Center, led an experiment with 12 adult male rhesus macaque monkeys that he says may help explain the fascination with celebrities like socialite Paris Hilton.

Platt conducted the experiment by offering thirsty monkeys a choice: their favorite drink, in this case Juicy Juice cherry juice, or the opportunity to look at computer images of the dominant, "celebrity" monkey of their pack.

Despite their thirst, they chose to look at the pictures.

Even better, male monkeys would pay to see pictures of female's hindquarters. See ladies? We've been pigs for a long time.

Posted by scott at March 31, 2005 02:14 PM

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