January 31, 2005
I Knew Those Fuzzy Little Monsters Were Up to No Good

Now it's official: cats actually are the spawn of the devil...

Clearly, the Bible - by using this kind of terminology - shows beyond any reasonable doubt that the basic nature of cats, while created perfect by God, has become evil or 'beastlike' since the fall of Adam six thousand years ago, and more probably, since the Great Flood of Noah's time (c2350 B.C.E.)

Yeah, and they crap on your floor and throw up on your dinner table too! Beasties I tell you, beasties!

Originally seen at IFOC, but it was Cobb who reminded me of the thing.

Posted by scott at January 31, 2005 12:59 PM

eMail this entry!

yeah - you missed destroying your furniture, peeing on the mattress, scratching the hell out of you, and rubbing fur all over your dark clothes...

Posted by: ron on January 31, 2005 09:43 PM

your generalizing, first of all, cats will not crap on the floor if you teach it to use the litterbox, my cat never craps on the floor, ever. and when he cant get to his litterbox, he craps in the Bathroom sink or bathtub (hes clever). 2nd, you cannot get angry at a cat for vomiting, that is beyond his control, vomiting is an involuntary reflex, and you cant expect a cat to know where he can and cannot throw up. 3rd, every cat needs to scratch something, thats jsut what they do, you can teach your cat to use a scratcing post or use the carpet, if he scratches your furniture then punish him, he will learn not to eventualy. and another thing, a cat will scratch you if you piss it off or scare it, no cat ranomly walks up to someone and scratches them for the hell of it. my cat never scratches anyone, even if you bother the hell out of it.

cats are just like people, they each have personality, some cats can be friendly and affectionate, and some can be mean little bastards, but just like us, they learn that from those around them. Do not assume that all cats are bad, most of them are not little beasties as you described. and if you truly believe that cats are the spawn of satan. then i have nothing more to say to you other than that you could drown in a pool of your own ignorance.

Posted by: greg on February 14, 2005 11:38 PM

Greg get over your full self. The site and the comment you commented to is meant to be FUNNY. So before you take a dive off the deep end- but you did anyway let me elaborate for you...

I am a Licensed Veterinary Technician of 10 years specializing in feline medicine only. If I had a problem with this article or ANY of the comments posted about cats in general they get policed by me.

You are the one being ignorant. Cats do not vomit involuntarily, the vomit because of an underlying problem such as food intolerance, eating too fast, hairball, irritable bowl sydrome, thyroid disease or other, so get your medical facts straight before you ramble off on MY site. Got it?

Scratching is innapropriate in anyway on furniture and carpet. VERTICAL surfaces are the best since cats like high territory. If you want to let your cat scratch on your carpet FINE, but the number one reason cats are euthanized and or declawed in the United States is due to behavioral problem such as SCRATCHING!

Taking a crap or piss ( what we call innapropriate eliminating) in the sink or bathtub also indicates an underlying problem of a UTI OR litterbox aversion since someone in the house is too lazy to clean more than twice per day. Defecating outside the box is MUCH harder to fix than urinating outside the box.

Punishing cats in ANY way never fixes the problem. You are just teaching the cat not to trust you.

Overall, you are taking this silly article a BIT too far. When you have your veterinary degree, you can come back and discuss this a bit further. Until then, you want to do your further kitty research with the American Association of Feline Medicine and get your facts correct.


Posted by: ellen on February 15, 2005 09:05 AM

nothing like a good bitch-slap to start the afternoon off right...

Posted by: Ron on February 15, 2005 12:24 PM

Our male cat has changed his place to deficate from his very clean unscented litter-box to the bathroom rug closeby.
He goes to his box if we are with him at the exact time and we praise him a lot.
What can we do to do it on his own as before.
Can it be the litter-box cover that we added a while ago ?

Posted by: Berns on July 3, 2005 07:34 AM
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