January 31, 2005
Round Up

Just in case you're back from, I don't know, Mars or something, Iraq had themselves an election over the weekend. Even the Post was optimistic (for the Post anyway). But we've found more interesting stuff in the blogs:

I think this is a great first step. Others disagree. All I can say is, if they manage to hold it together and don't dissolve into a civil war (say, in the next four years), certain people are going to owe me a pizza.

Posted by scott at January 31, 2005 09:40 AM

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Looks like
America & Iraq: 1
Left Moonbats & insurgents: 0

Posted by: InsaneIdiot on January 31, 2005 08:23 PM

Go Iraq!

hmmm - seems that Bush delivered on a promise. Wait? What's that? The sound of moonbats dropping from the sky?

Posted by: ron on January 31, 2005 09:58 PM
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