January 25, 2005
Nominate This

Ahem... Ha-Ha!!!:

Michael Moore's attempt to turn voters against President Bush failed and on Tuesday he lost his gamble as well for a coveted best-picture Oscar nomination for his incendiary documentary "Fahrenheit 9/11."

Sorry. Sorry. Bad karma to-- to--


Sorry again, really shouldn't do that, taking pleasure in othe-- othe--


Gah... nevermind... can't do it... I'm coming back as a bug...

Posted by scott at January 25, 2005 03:45 PM

eMail this entry!

nope - no mention of this on his website. bunches of other misdirections, half-truths, and the like, but no mention of it.

Come to think of it, he never responded to my email asking him to answer to the falsehoods in f911. Shocker, that...

Posted by: ron on January 25, 2005 05:02 PM

Eh, it was a gamble. I think he should have stuck to just going for best documentary instead of picture. While I did watch the movie and enjoyed it...don't even start...I don't think it is best picture material and thus should not have been nominated. I'm glad the academy agrees with me on this.

On a similar note...I am also pleased to see that The Passion of the Mel didn't get nominated for best picture or director.

Posted by: joshua on January 25, 2005 05:23 PM

Don't worry, I won't start in on your enjoying it. However, I'm not sure it'd qualify as a documentary - isn't it more of an editorial?

Posted by: Ron on January 25, 2005 06:28 PM

well, some would argue that every documentary is merely an editorial with facts, that all we watch is merely subjective views and that there is no such thing as an objective documentary.

So in that respect all films that claim to be documentaries would just be editorials. Content purposefully edited to bring to light the directors vision on a subject.

sorry, my film classes never left me

Posted by: Joshua on January 25, 2005 08:30 PM

Some people would argue that if you call a horse's tail a leg, then horses would have five legs, not four. That still doesn't make it so.

Posted by: Tatterdemalian on January 26, 2005 12:47 PM
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