I guess it really is true; people will buy anything:
Genuine dried squirrel scrotum preserved in all it’s glory. Perfect gift for that special someone who has everything - everything except some balls. Come in a 3” tall miniature glass apothecary jar. Are permanently preserved for years of entertainment.
Who am I kidding. Ellen has "the goods" from both our male cats in jars somewhere. I am not making this up. Living with a vet tech can be... educational... sometimes.
After my friend had his cat neutered, he kept the cat's balls in a small vial on the bookshelf. When the cat did something bad, my friend would show the vial to the cat and say, "Now who has who's balls in a jar?"
I don't think it had much effect on the cat's behavior.
Posted by: Jennifer on January 23, 2005 09:00 PM