January 18, 2005
I Think We Shall Call Him, "iApostate"

Joshua gets that stylish, cool, and amazingly functional no-prize he's been drooling over (for the bargain price of $3600) for bringing us the iProduct. What, you may ask, is the iProduct? Duh, it's from Apple. It doesn't matter! You want one! It's so freaking cool!!!

Not to be outdone by himself (Joshua's a strange egg sometimes) he also brings us Apple Haters Unite! which reveals the other side of the computer coin. You know, the one where the guy with the pony tail* and the earbuds sneers about your trailer trash computer.

Note: If the text looks all weird and chunky, click the image once to enlarge.

* Not actually Joshua, who co-incidentally has a pony tail. Our wookie friend straddles a fine line that lies between appreciating engineering for its own sake, while also understanding it sometimes doesn't really matter what it looks like on the outside as long as it's stuffed with electronicky goodness on the inside.

Posted by scott at January 18, 2005 03:21 PM

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That's too funny. Shouldn't it be iApostate? ;)

Posted by: InsaneIdiot on January 18, 2005 04:44 PM

It actually is that way, look at the main page now over in the "recent comments". The MT template we use allcaps the main titles, so it looks a little strange. Still works though.

Joshua and I have a mutual friend who has probably already tried to play "be gentle with the retard" with him for his (in our friend's opinion) unfortunate [price-driven, immenently practical] recent computer choices. Hence I constantly accuse Joshua of apostasy, and wait for the invitable day when he runs panting to my door, chased by True Believers carrying a pile of wood and a stake, all with those classy, fruity logos embossed on them.

Posted by: scott on January 18, 2005 06:55 PM
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