Craig B. gets a no-prize that'll scream at him and give him bad dreams* for bringing us the Curious Case of the Cacaphonous Chondrite:
While repairing the joists in the attic I found this stone in a small cardboard box and thought it was interesting enough to take home. During the time this stone was in my home strange things happened. I noticed the house was cooler than usual, especially in the room I kept this stone in, and my dog wouldn’t go near the room. I never thought to connect this stone with the strange occurrences until one night I heard "singing" (or strange sounds) coming from the room about 2 months after I had taken the stone! Really! I have heard the "singing" or "songs" about 12-15 times after that. It’s hard to explain the sounds coming from the room but they are definitely coming from the stone. Other people have heard them also and they always originate from the area this stone is being kept!
It is, of course, an auction, so anyone who feels like dropping a minimum of $9.99 + s&h can have their very own haunted rock.
Where's my checkbook...