Lt. Prakash (no, really!) gives us a superb look at the pointy end of the stick. AKA a full company of tanks opening fire, all at once, in the dark, pointing at some poor Haji bastards inside Fallujah. 99.9% of the time, I'm really grateful for our troops doing their job over there, and that it's them instead of me.
But every once in awhile, when I see something like this...
Yeah, I know, I'm an armchair warrior. Worst of the bunch, a white male barbarian interested in nothing but death and destruction that he can watch from the comfort of his own home. Hell I'm even a buddhist... obviously a really bad one.
The key to being a succesful pacifist is to only resort to violence when all reasonable alternatives are exhausted... For this to be effective, you must have the wisdom to recognize when all reasonable alternatives are exhausted. Pretending that alternatives exist when they do not only results in violence that will not end until violence is finally used to counter it, and when used, a true pacifist's response should be overwhelming, so that the need to resort to violence will pass as quickly as possible.
Posted by: Tatterdemalian on January 10, 2005 12:06 PM