December 24, 2004
A Bug's Life

Ron gets a chitinous no-prize for bringing us news (and pictures) of the new "world's largest cockroach". Disappointing only in that they didn't actually say how big the gigantic cockroach actually is.

True story, related to me by a former boss: "Back in Mississippi when I was a kid, we had a giant maple tree in the front lawn. We loved to play and climb it, but eventually it got infested with Palmetto bugs [which are essentially roaches the size of your palm -- Scott], which rapidly spread to our house. We tried to ignore the problem at first by calling an exterminator to fix the house. He did what he could, but it turned out not to work very well.

One summer night, my sister's leg kept itching while she slept. She scratched and scratched at it, but it did no good. So she finally woke up a little and really scratched it. It was only when she pulled up a bug leg the size of her pinkie finger that she realized what was... once... climbing up her leg. We got rid of the tree shortly after, but my sister wasn't right for the rest of the summer."

If this thing is bigger than a palmetto bug, I can only say I'm glad it's in Borneo!

Posted by scott at December 24, 2004 12:13 PM

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