Ron gets a no-prize that giggles inanely at the touch of a button for bringing us news of the coolest science exhibit. Ever:
Flatulence, faeces, urination ... and all that's disgusting, sticky and foul-smelling about the human body and how it functions makes for an unusual but educational new Paris exhibition aimed at children.
The funniest part is if you put a (future) 7-year old Olivia, and a grown-up Ellen, Joshua, and Ron through this exhibit, I'm not completely sure who would be laughing the hardest. I can tell you who would be groaning and going "Oh! Oh! No! Not that! Stop touching that!"
Yup, with the exception of the lil' monster, it'd be their spouses.
at least there'd be no "ohmygoditssocuteletmetouchit" noises being made...
need i remind everyone of the "llama" incident?
Posted by: ron on November 30, 2004 06:41 PMThe exhibit actually showed up in Richmond, VA a while ago. Meryl and I thought it was funny. The boys found it disturbing. Here is the web site for the exhibit:
Posted by: Sarah G. on November 30, 2004 09:21 PM