November 30, 2004
Revenge of the 70s

Remember folks... guns don't kill people, lava lamps kill people:

A man who placed a lava lamp on a hot stovetop was killed when it exploded and sent a shard of glass into his heart, police said.

But wait! There's more!

Philip Quinn, 24, was found dead in his trailer home Sunday night by his parents.

Sometimes it's tempting to think one ethnic or racial group has a corner on stupidity, and then something like this happens. God I love the Internet!

Posted by scott at November 30, 2004 08:23 AM

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I know this incident sounds ridiculous and stupid, but you have to remember we all have and will do stupid things through the course of our life. It would be much appreciated if people would STOP implying that what he did was "stupid" and saying "only idiates do stupid things like that". Guy's do "stupid" things all the time.

The truth of the matter is all of you who are making comments like this didn't have the pleasure of knowing Philip R. Quinn who is the only man I will ever love and the father of our smart and beautiful daughter Payschence.

Keep in mind our daughter will grow up and see what has been written about her father, so please respect her enough to not talk baddly about her loving father.

The Girlfriend

Posted by: The Girlfriend on September 19, 2005 06:13 PM

I know this incident sounds ridiculous and stupid, but you have to remember we all have and will do stupid things through the course of our life. It would be much appreciated if people would STOP implying that what he did was "stupid" and saying "only idiates do stupid things like that". Guy's do "stupid" things all the time.

The truth of the matter is all of you who are making comments like this didn't have the pleasure of knowing Philip R. Quinn who is the only man I will ever love and the father of our smart and beautiful daughter Payschence.

Keep in mind our daughter will grow up and see what has been written about her father, so please respect her enough to not talk baddly about her loving father.

The Girlfriend

Posted by: The Girlfriend on September 19, 2005 06:13 PM

I know this incident sounds ridiculous and stupid, but you have to remember we all have and will do stupid things through the course of our life. It would be much appreciated if people would STOP implying that what he did was "stupid" and saying "only idiates do stupid things like that". Guy's do "stupid" things all the time.

The truth of the matter is all of you who are making comments like this didn't have the pleasure of knowing Philip R. Quinn who is the only man I will ever love and the father of our smart and beautiful daughter Payschence.

Keep in mind our daughter will grow up and see what has been written about her father, so please respect her enough to not talk baddly about her loving father.

The Girlfriend

Posted by: The Girlfriend on September 19, 2005 06:14 PM
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