November 27, 2004
Stonehenge East?

Russian scientists recently announced the discovery of a monument in central Russia remarkably similar in form and function to England's Stonehenge. Like Stonehenge, this new site was a circular structure composed of columns with a central platform in the middle. It also served as a celestial calculator, allowing accurate measurments of things like the summer and winter solstice. It was even built around the same time.

However, the Russians are not claiming the builders had anything to do with each other. Instead, the monument represents a kind of cultural "convergence"... two disparate peoples coming to a similar solution to a similar problem.

Posted by scott at November 27, 2004 07:50 AM

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what are the standards of inches that differs with american measures,for instance:
my shoe size is 12 inches,what would it be in the russian term?

Posted by: greg on September 17, 2005 12:52 AM
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