November 25, 2004
She's Here! She's... rrm... Pagan! Get Used to it! Or Else!

Think wiccans are all a bunch of peace n' love n' dancing hippy-types who need a haircut and a flea dip? Think they're all a bunch of silly people with a fetish for black and crystals? Think again.

Wow. A pro-gun right-wing pagan with an assault rifle. America rocks!

Robert H. gets a no-nonsense no-prize for bringing us this evidence that the Weatherwax tradition of witchcraft is alive and well.

Posted by scott at November 25, 2004 07:17 AM

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What can I say? I never liked fitting into "molds".
I am a daughter and a wife of Army vets and a sister and mother of Navy vets.
I am a proud American Wiccan.
Thanks for visiting my blog!

Posted by: Saphyre Rose on December 1, 2004 12:52 AM
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