New Scientist is carrying this article detailing the development of a new technology that could be used to sterilize food without requiring pasteurization (which affects flavor). By using intense flashes of ultraviolet light and shockwaves of up to 1000 atmospheres in pressure, scientists are able to create microscopic air bubbles in food that, somehow, smash harmful bacteria to bits.
Several things puzzle me about this:
The ability to confine forces like this in a box and not outright destroy all organic matter sounds pretty nifty, so who knows what other uses it might have?
doesn't pasteurization only happen on organic chemical foods (milk, beer, and cheese), sauces, and the like?
IF that's the case, I can see how this'd work. If not, you could probably use this to make a steak into a steak-shake...
Posted by: ron on November 15, 2004 01:06 PM