James H. gets a bronzed no-prize for bringing us the strange story of Saddam's left leg. No, they haven't decided to take a fillet knife to the old man (more's the pity), instead this is the story of what appears to be the left leg of the statue so famously pulled to the ground when Baghdad fell. It seems some enterprising Brits decided that, since the statue didn't need it anymore, they would do their own imitation of Lord Elgin and take one of the legs into "protective custody". Well, now it's in Germany, although nobody's sure why, and in the hands of customs agents.
Hmm... I'm in need of a lawn ornament. I wonder what the condo association would think of a 6 foot bronze leg in the front yard?
Cut it up into small pieces and then can you say eBay. lol
Posted by: Pat on November 14, 2004 05:05 PM