November 12, 2004
Mmm... Tasty.. II

Why go for pizza when mouthwatering muskrat is available?

This modern convenience of home-delivered muskrat began this week and is made possible by Kolakowski's recent union with Capri Pizza, a company that bakes its pizza in Kola's Food Factory restaurant but offers delivery, too.

No, Ellen, they're not from Arkansas. Arkansans eat squirrel, not muskrat.

Proposed alternate title: "Insert Captain and Tinnille Joke Here." Ditched it because anyone under 30 probably wouldn't know who they were. Damned kids.

Posted by scott at November 12, 2004 01:21 PM

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Does 29 count? I would have got it the joke...

Posted by: Jon on November 12, 2004 02:20 PM

Ask me again in a year ;)

Posted by: scott on November 12, 2004 02:50 PM

well, i think it was the Captain and Tennille. And the oddest thing was that it was originally a song done by America...

Posted by: ron on November 14, 2004 06:44 PM
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