November 09, 2004
Mmm... Tasty

Remember last year's turkey-and-gravy flavored soda? Well, guess what, it's back, and it's got company:

After the startling success of its turkey and gravy-flavored soda during last year's U.S. holiday season, a Seattle soda company will be serving up green beans and casserole, mashed potatoes, fruitcake and cranberry flavors.

Well there ya go. Thanksgiving in a six pack. Now if they'd just figure out how to add alcohol to it...

Posted by scott at November 09, 2004 01:24 PM

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GAG!! that sounds absolutely disgusting!

Posted by: carrie on November 9, 2004 01:55 PM

adding alcohol is easy. pour drink over ice. pour vodka over drink. consume. repeat until you can't walk. or until you fall into the toy bin...

Posted by: ron on November 9, 2004 02:40 PM
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