November 03, 2004
Ah, the 70s... the ABBA, the Afros, the Shaved Cat Butts... Waitaminute...

From the Institute of Interior Desecrations we're happy to present the 1971 dream home. The sad thing is, I recognize some of that stuff from my parents's old house. Remember folks, some of us never noticed how campy the Brady Bunch was because our houses looked like that too!

Note: Fark-found, so the site is crawling right now. Be patient, it's worth it.

Posted by scott at November 03, 2004 02:58 PM

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1 - Abba rocks
2 - I used to have a "white boy 'fro"
3 - Ellen shaved my pussy's ass

Coincendence? I think not.

Posted by: ron on November 3, 2004 03:39 PM

Show me one thing from those pictures that was in our house. You were only three years old and Jeff was one in 1971, we still lived in Fla. It is very funny.

Posted by: Pat on November 3, 2004 06:38 PM
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