October 12, 2004
Holy Sh*t, They Do Exist, pt II

So the deep Freudian fear in men is the previously mentioned vagi-with-a-bite. The deep Freudian certainty in women is men really do think with their wangs.

Well, ladies, thanks to Liz Ditz (who receives a brainy no-prize that will do something embarassing if she rubs too hard when she dusts it), we have the ultimate truth, from that paragon of journalistic integrity, Weekly World News:

LADIES, you may believe that every man thinks with his penis, but Lionel Tampling is in a class by himself. Astounded doctors have found a rudimentary brain in the Australian's trouser trout!

Making stuff up? WWN? Well, hey, it's no worse than CBS!

Posted by scott at October 12, 2004 08:38 PM

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