September 28, 2004
As Long as it Also has a Listing for Cab Companies

"AMCGLTD," we hear you ask, "I'm tired of going to a new beach bar, asking for a 'Captain Clutch' and being looked at like I've grown a second head. What am I to do?"

Fear not, fellow lush! AMCGLTD is here to help! Presenting the Mobatech Mobile Bartender:

With Mobile Bartender in your cell phone, you'll be armed with impressive knowledge of cocktails, shots and drop shots at the touch of button.

This full-featured bartender guide includes over 150 recipes that can be filtered by drink type, liquor or the first letter of a drink name. Shots can also be chosen by category with users being able to view the ingredients for Candy Shooters, Sexy Shooters, Fruity Shooters or Deadly Sins.

Act now and never worry about being without your favorite brain scrambler again!

Posted by scott at September 28, 2004 02:56 PM

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only 150 drinks? that's not that many.

I think there are other ones (however, none that are cell phone based) that have more drinks...

or, heaven forbid that you'd think in the age of technology, you could just memorize your favorite drink recipes...

Posted by: ron on September 28, 2004 05:29 PM
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