All of you weenies who like to call Bush a draft dodging coward are pleased to be sitting down and shutting the fuck up now:
The Air Force, in their ultimate wisdom, assembled a group of 102's and took them to Southeast Asia. Bush volunteered to go. But he needed to have 500 [flight] hours, but he only had just over 300 hours so he wasn't eligible to go.
I remember this one from when it broke back in February. Hell, even Newsweek covered it:
The standard rap against Bush is that he was ducking combat by joining the Guard. Actually, the Texas Air Guard had a program called Palace Alert that allowed pilots to volunteer for flight time in Vietnam. Three of Bush's fellow pilots—Udell, Woodfin and Fred Bradley—recalled to NEWSWEEK that Bush inquired with the base commander about signing up for Palace Alert. He was told no; he had too few flying hours at the time and his plane, the F-102, was by then deemed obsolete for air combat.
I don't doubt for a second that the next thing to sneer out of your mouths will be "of course he was too green and his airplane was too old. Do you think that's a coincidence?" But you'll have to be careful when you say it, otherwise your foil hat will show.
Would you please just let this rest on both sides. I really don't care who did what all these many years ago.
Posted by: Pat on September 26, 2004 11:55 PM... Unless it can be used to hurt Bush's chances for re-election.
I don't think anything can stop George II re-election at this point. I am just so very tired of the nastiness and lies on both side. There area too many issues needing attention to continue to harp on this non issue
Posted by: Pat on September 28, 2004 12:27 PMThere's still plenty of time for those memos about Bush smoking crack in the cockpit of his F-14 to come to light. Maybe even enough time to make them indistinguishable from real memos from the 70's...
Posted by: Tatterdemalian on September 28, 2004 05:30 PM