September 20, 2004
When Technocrats Attack

Problem: the grand European Union, in its never-ending quest to protect and more importantly control its unruly subjects, has made it impossible for small-volume traditional cheese makers to stay in business.

Solution: Call it something else:

A Czech organic farmer whose family has made goat's cheese for six generations is evading new European Union food regulations by selling his produce as "animal feed", The Sunday Telegraph writes.
Mr Hajek said, writes the British paper, he is not responsible for what his customers do with the cheese, and has put up a sign outside his farm in southern Bohemia to that effect.

Consenting, informed adults using their own money to purchase something, and use it however they please. Can't have that. Might lead to dancing:

Armies of health inspectors have taken to standing outside the farm, interviewing customers about what they plan to do with the cheese.
Unable to close the legal loophole, Czech officials now claim that it is unfit for animal consumption because it is mixed with herbs and spices. Mr Hajek faces being closed down, or a million- crown fine, The Sunday Telegraph says in conclusion.

Nanny-statism at its finest. I can just hear the techno-dems now... "suppose he makes a bad batch and someone eats it who doesn't have insurance and has to go to the hospital and it all comes out of your tax dollars. Now see why it must be stopped?"

No. Not particularly. But then, I trust people to read labels, understand what they mean, and use this as a basis for a calculated risk. I trust people to accept the consequences of their actions regardless of the outcome. I want legislation that ensures the whiners and idiots who don't accept them are not able to use my government to transform foolishness into advantage. I want, in short, government to stay the hell out of our lives and let us live them on our own terms.

Democrats, feeling differently about all these points, will of course disagree.

But it could be worse. We could live in Europe.

Posted by scott at September 20, 2004 11:47 AM

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wait - you mean if I stick a firecracker up my ass and light it, I shouldn't be allowed to sue the manufacturer and distributer? now, why in the hell would I want to live in a country like that?

Posted by: ron on September 20, 2004 11:58 AM

You trust people to be responsible? The libertarian in me would love it if they were. I just don't think many are.

Posted by: Sherri on September 20, 2004 01:10 PM

Because they don't have to be. Welcome to the technocratic nanny state. Like the song says:

So if you don't rate, just overcompensate

At least you'll know you can always go on Ricki Lake

Posted by: scott on September 20, 2004 01:16 PM

true - if we let the dumbasses live with the results of their own actions, we'd cure many problems pretty quickly - mostly because a significant number of folks would Darwin themselves right out of the gene pool. Now, would that lead to other problems? almost definitely, however, the alternative at this point appears to be socialism with 50% or more of the population on the dole...

Posted by: Ron on September 20, 2004 01:24 PM
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