Sometimes the stuff you find in the ocean you don't want to keep:
Government experts are investigating a claim that an unarmed nuclear bomb, lost off the Georgia coast at the height of the Cold War, might have been found, an Air Force spokesman said Monday.
The thing has been sitting there since 1958, and was lost during a training accident. Yes, Virginia, there was a time when our military thought it would be a good idea to fly around the sky with unfused nuclear weapons just for fun. I used to laugh out loud at Dr. Strangelove, but now that I've learned a lot more (then-classified) stuff about how the Air Force was set up in the '50s, I get a serious case of the heebies when it comes on. No wonder the Soviets had thousands of nukes pointed at us. We were capable of anything.
never mind the Springfield-ish three-eyed fish around the area...
Posted by: ron on September 20, 2004 10:32 AM