September 16, 2004
When Drinks Attack

After reading this, I think the correct phrase is, "that's mister moonbat to you, bud":

A piledriver is a screwdriver with a kick, is what I usually say with a sheepish grin when someone wants a taste of [the drink I invented]. The primary ingredient is of course Pure Grain Alcohol (PGA) and orange juice. I sometimes put a splash of vodka on for taste to fool the weak-minded who lack the ability to distinguish between PGA and orange juice.

Which is why I think I'll be sure to bring my own drinks whenever we visit. Lord knows what he'd get me to agree to after one or two of those things. Gotta make sure I lock away all the cameras, at the very least.

Posted by scott at September 16, 2004 07:22 PM

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definitely bring your own drinks lest there be another ass-baring incident...

Posted by: ron on September 16, 2004 09:39 PM
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