September 15, 2004
That Fairness Thing

Jason does a nice bit of deconstruction on an "early whiner" on the other side. Includes this extremely nifty bon-mot:

[Democrats demonstrate their ignorance of] game theory because they fail to grasp this inalterable truism ... If one side feels it is at a clear disadvantage on the issues, they will simply not allow a general engagement on the issues, for the same reason a master swordsman in a blood feud is more likely to get shot than stabbed.

It's not about "fairness", it's about winning. "Fairness" is the refuge of people who don't care who wins, and losers who do. The Dems had a whole week of media dominance, and the Repubs knuckled under and sharpend their swords. The Repubs got the same week a little later, and the Dems imploded, their self-inflated campaign wheezing and whining, leaking ink and documents on the way down.

I know the Dems are better than this. Why don't they?

Posted by scott at September 15, 2004 08:06 PM

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