Always on the forefront of innovation, we here at AMCGLTD are proud to present [drum roll] the Doggy Diaper:
Paul LeFevre's 'doggy bag' is essentially a designer nappy for dogs, reports the Montreal Gazette.
As the proud owner of what has effectively become a quarter-million dollar litterbox due to cats with "issues", I can only hope the feline version is not far behind. As it were.
How about this...
There is even a game for Ellen and Amber
...remember folks, say it loud and proud and then you will get it.
hmmm - interesting play on words.
and the game was a bit silly. until the cat fell.
Posted by: ron on September 14, 2004 04:25 PMNapkin for dogs they were patenting in Slovakia 08.03.2004
Posted by: Miro Bezdek on September 26, 2004 04:44 AM
In Canada they made up an invention that already had been made up.
Canadian designer Paul LeFevre has patented his animal clothing for dogs, where the main part of this clothing is a nap for a dog. It is a possible way how to save public space from environmental pollution but he isn’t the first inventor. This invention was already registered with UPV SR (Industrial Property Office of the Slovak Republic) called a nap for four-legged animals in March 8, 2004. The owner of the utility model is M. Bezděk from Bratislava. Because the invention is registered, Mr. Bezděk says, he has a pre-emption right and he will set up a claim to this in international context. It is going to be interesting watching if they going to use this method of protection for the environment in Slovakia or somewhere abroad. Although the information about this innovation has been published by world’s news agencies under name Paul LeFevre, the right stays in Slovakia. More information on
Tel. contact Environment without an excrement for english 00421 907121373
V Kanade vymysleli vymyslené !!!
Kanadský dizajnér Paul LeFevre si dal patentovať oblečenie pre psov, kde hlavnou súčasťou je plienka pre psa. Je to spôsob ako ochrániť verejné priestranstvo od znečisťovania, avšak s týmto nápadom neprišiel ako prvý. Túto novinku zaevidovali na Úrade priemyselného vlastníctva SR už v marci toho roku (08.03.2004) pod názvom plienka pre štvornohé zvieratá. Majiteľom úžitkového vzoru je p. M. Bezděk z Bratislavy. Registráciou vzniklo tak právo prednosti a toto si bude aj uplatňovať v medzinárodnom kontexte. Bude zaujímavé sledovať, či sa tohto spôsobu ochrany životného prostredia chytia na Slovensku, alebo či im to najprv ukážu v cudzine.
I keď informáciu o tejto novinke publikovali viacerá svetové tlačené média pod menom Paul LeFevra, právo prednosti ostáva na Slovensku. Viac informácii je možné získať na
Tel. kontakt pre uvedenú tému v slovenčine 00421907737217
Posted by: mr.Bezdek on September 27, 2004 03:53 AM