Instapundit links up yet another flippy-flop, this time straight out of the candidate's mouth:
"[The owner of Toy's, a restaraunt at a campaign stop] just gives you what he's got, right?" Mr. Kerry added, continuing steadily off a gangplank of his own making: "And you don't have to worry, it's whatever he's cooked up that day. And I think that's the way it ought to work, for confused people like me who can't make up our minds."
It's callled a "free shot", and it's damned refreshing to see one inbound, instead of watching it sail toward grinning faces on the other side of the net.
Ok, everyone in the peanut gallery that made fun of my candidate's inability to pronounce "nuclear" (or some other verbal gaffe) now officially owe me a pizza.
I don't know If I ever did make fun about people unable to spell, but I'll make you pizza any day (virtually that is), since you are my favorite right-wing lunatic. I mean you like cats, you can't be a bad person.
is a "flipflop" some "frame" ( the press puts J.K. in? because I really like flip-flops from an electroengineering point of view ;-)
Oh yeah, to me it sounds like a wonderful example of irony which is really showing the ability to step out of ones self and laugh about how others perceive you - an ability I never saw in the current prez (who, i deduct, is "your candidate"?).
in W's defense, I seem to remember a video of him looking around the Oval Office and many other places for the WMD's - rather amusing and all...
Posted by: ron on September 8, 2004 09:14 PMWow! I'm someone's favorite loon! Finally. Does it come with bells and a funny hat?
Posted by: scott on September 9, 2004 08:46 PM