September 05, 2004
Wooo! Pig! Sooey!

63-13 baby, 63-13. Of course, they've beaten these poor bastards five times in a row now, so it would seem the first game on the schedule is a gimme. But hey, take what you can get, no?

Posted by scott at September 05, 2004 03:13 PM

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Look - I've been to NMSU before. The college is gorgeous, but it's roughly the size of our condo complex. Seriously. Beating them 63-13 is much like beating a high school team - so letting them score 13 points is a very, very bad sign for your defense...

thank the Goddess football is back so I can start the smack-talking!

Posted by: ron on September 5, 2004 03:34 PM
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