September 01, 2004
The Ring Does Sometimes Come Off

I've heard of people being obsessive about their wedding rings, but this is ridiculous:

An x-ray of the lump [found on a newly admitted patient's finger] (Box 1, B) revealed a wedding ring totally encased in the soft tissue.

With extra-freaky x-ray & exam pictures. Yet another example of what can happen when mental illness strikes and nobody's around to help the victim get treatment.

Posted by scott at September 01, 2004 02:24 PM

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hmmm - I think I would've noticed the lump starting and maybe have thought to do something about it...

but then again, I'm not schizo. today. probably.

Posted by: ron on September 1, 2004 06:35 PM

I tend to picture wedding rings on the left hand, but maybe it signified a late spouse or something?

Posted by: Sherri on September 2, 2004 04:00 PM
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