September 01, 2004
Goat Droppings? (or, Broken Clock News II)

Moonbats to the left of me, Cabalists on the right. Just because they're extreme doesn't mean they're always wrong:

"Listen to this," [my mother] said, preparing me for a snippet from a tome by the popular, late and liberal historian William Manchester. It describes Franklin D. Roosevelt's initial reaction to news of the surprise attack on Pearl Harbor on Dec. 7, 1941, that devastated the American fleet, killing 2,403 soldiers, sailors and civilians.

After calling the secretary of state, Manchester writes, "the President of the United States did nothing for 18 minutes." ... Why, that's 11, maybe 12 minutes more than George W. Bush paused during a visit to a Florida elementary school before taking action on the morning of Sept. 11, 2001.

Not surprisingly, Kerry didn't do any better himself:

Mr. Kerry told "Larry King Live" that on the morning of Sept. 11 nearly three years ago, he "sat stunned and unable to think for more than 30 minutes in the Capitol until he and other senators were whisked out of the building to safety."

I treat this whole "freeze up" thing with about the same amount of seriousness as the Bush AWOL/Kerry Cambodia fiascos. So why bring it up at all? Because I think Michael Moore is a class-A asshole and I'm going to take every shot I get to prove it.

Which means, I suppose, that it takes one to know one. Guilty as charged.

Posted by scott at September 01, 2004 12:59 PM

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