August 21, 2004
Lion Vs. Man

When they tell you not to get out of the truck, don't.

Posted by Ellen at August 21, 2004 04:41 PM

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To paraphrase a bumper sticker:

Do not meddle in the affairs of lions, for you are crunching and good with antelope.

(original quote - Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and good with ketchup.)

Posted by: ron on August 23, 2004 09:25 AM

Years ago, I was taken on a tour through Yellowstone with my family and my uncle's family. When we came upon a herd of buffalo in the middle of the road, my uncle jumped out of his car, ran up to them, and started taking pictures, even though we had been warned that buffalo are wild, agressive, and quite capable of tossing your car in the air like a soda can. He even ran up on two baby buffalo, snapping pictures like crazy.

None of the buffalo attacked him.

The problem with warning people not to get out of their cars is that people get away with doing so often enough that they think they can always do it, and that the park rangers are nothing but anal wet blankets trying to keep them from frolicing with the buffalo / bears / lions. Then, when the inevitable happens and some animal rips them to shreds, the surviving family sues the park for not making sure all the animals are tame like the ones the dead guy was playing with earlier.

People keep playing Russian Roulette with nature, and eventually it kills them.

Posted by: Tatterdemalian on August 23, 2004 03:24 PM
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