August 06, 2004
Counting Critters

BBCnews is carrying this report summarizing what's been found so far during the Norwegian-led section of the expedition called the Census of Marine Life (CoML). They've found all sorts of interesting things in the mid-Atlantic area, including a weird not-quite-angler fish, as well as a red squid that might represent a new species. With pictures!

Posted by scott at August 06, 2004 01:44 PM

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Good for them. We still need to be able to classify all of the living things in the ocean as well as find them all. I figure that'll happen when Kerry stops flip flopping and quits whining out that he was in Vietnam. I'm sure he'll keep it up in the lower infernal regions so that'll be forever.

Posted by: Steve on August 8, 2004 09:04 AM
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