June 10, 2004
The Tiger Cannot Change its Stripes

Pat gets a no-prize for bringing us news that when they're not trying to blow us up, Arabs merrily try it on each other:

While the Libyan leader, Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi, was renouncing terrorism and negotiating the lifting of sanctions last year, his intelligence chiefs ordered a covert operation to assassinate the ruler of Saudi Arabia and destabilize the oil-rich kingdom, according to statements by two participants in the conspiracy.

No wonder we're getting on so well with Qaddafi. "Enemy of my enemy...", etc.

Boy now there's some grist for the foil hat mill... secret CIA negotiations with a state everyone knows the US doesn't like to take out the leadership of a country everyone knows is a primary sponsor of terrorism, in exchange for international recognition and removal of sanctions.

Of course, this would require original thinking and basic competence from our main intelligence arm. Something they haven't shown much of for, oh, the past eight years or so. Don't hold your breath.

Posted by scott at June 10, 2004 09:34 AM

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