Well, it's good to see at least one bastion of the left is not hiding its colors just because a Republican died:
i don't care what killed him, alzhiemers or the black plague, i'm glad he's dead and i don't care how many times i'm scolded or chastised for it.
The follow-ups are just as rich.
Oh yes, I expect at least equal vitriol from the fringe right when Clinton finally goes. I just wanted to point out the right doesn't have a monopoly on people we wish we could keep behind locked, barred, and chained attic doors. I vote Republican because I don't want them anywhere near the levers of power. Many of you vote Democrat because of the same reason (but with different targets).
Instead of pissing and moaning about it, we should all be grateful that the politicians who actually get elected are almost to a person conniving narcissistic elitist bastards who grab for our wallets with one hand while swearing on a bible to place our interests first with the other. Because if they weren't around these people* really would be in charge.
Via Iraq Now.
* Radicals and True Believers in our political system prefer to style themselves as polar opposites. In reality, no matter what it smells like, an asshole is still an asshole.
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Posted by: smoke on June 7, 2004 06:29 PM