June 03, 2004
Eeny-meeny-miney-Moe, Catch the Terrorist By the Toe...

The Religious Policeman (a Saudi who is neither) gives us an excellent breakdown of how Saudi Arabia's finest performed during the recent hostage rescue operation:

Nevertheless, the following captured Al Qaeeda document may give some clues [as to how three terrorists, presumably soaked in the blood of their victims, completely surrounded by three rings of security troops in a medium-sized apartment building, vanish completely into the night (or day)]. It is part of their Training Manual.

"Chapter 17. Evading Capture.

Scenario: You are completely surrounded by Saudi Arabia's Finest. As you are exiting by a back staircase, you run into an entire platoon of these fierce menacing killers.

Response: One of the following phrases will normally suffice -

"They went that-a-way"

"What? Us, terrorists? I ask you, do we look Jewish?"
"Hey, Ali How you doing? Yea, we got rostered as Duty Terrorists today, what a bummer! See you down the Social Club tonite?"

"OK, fellas, you know the routine. One of us gets taken, the rest go. Eeny-meeny-miney-mo....."

Read the whole thing. I hope this guy doesn't get nabbed, he's too damned funny to go to jail!

Posted by scott at June 03, 2004 03:25 PM

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