June 01, 2004
Time Passages

This pic of our Spider was taken in 1997, when it was just about as perfect as one could get without a ground-up restoration. The funny thing is, this picture was taken before nearly any of my friends's cars were even built, and at this point our spider is already 26 years old. How the hell did that happen?

Nowadays, it's still nice, just not this nice. But it could be again. That's what all those pennies I'm saving are for. Oh be quiet, I'm putting plenty away for Olivia's college, and Ellen's already got eyes and will have other "things" soon enough. Gotta have my own dreams just to make it all worthwhile, no?

Posted by scott at June 01, 2004 09:18 PM

eMail this entry!

Link's busted :( As is the Princess Leia one :(

Posted by: Sherri on June 6, 2004 02:05 PM
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