June 01, 2004
Negative Spin

Joshua gets a no-prize for bringing us this Washington Post piece that shows the press is starting to get a stiffy now that the campaigns are finally "going negative":

Scholars and political strategists say the ferocious Bush assault on Kerry this spring has been extraordinary, both for the volume of attacks and for the liberties the president and his campaign have taken with the facts.

I do not find this surprising in the least, and, breathless tone notwithstanding, I doubt this particular reporter finds it that way either. Negative ads work, which is why all campaigns sooner or later use them. And the article does eventually mention Kerry's in on it too. Of course, this being the WaPo, the implication is clearly that "it's not Kerry's fault."

But I personally like this story about Kerry a lot more:

When the head of Vietnam Veterans Against John Kerry confronted the Democratic Presidential candidate yesterday, Kerry showed his true colors by extending his middle finger [at a public gathering].

In spite of the equally breathless "and he did it in front of children too!" tone, I actually kinda like this one. The VVAJK guy comes off as a complete tool even in this sympathetic article. It also finally shows that Kerry isn't justa splinter off the old "Hi-My-Name-is-Al-and-I'll-be-Your-Wooden-Candidate-for-Today" block of spruce.

Now that the gladiators have saluted the crowd, it would seem we're finally getting down to "bid-ness". Let the games begin!

Posted by scott at June 01, 2004 01:48 PM

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