~"AWwww it's a wheeled... HOUSE"~
Ellen likes the VW bugs, but not so much she'd move into a house shaped like one. The funniest thing is at $1600-ish a month, it costs about as much as our old single bedroom apartment.
Where on earth did you live that a one bedroom apartment was 1600/mo? I don't think I've ever seen one much above 500.
Posted by: Sherri on May 21, 2004 01:10 PMNorthern Virginia. DC Area is 2nd or 3rd most expensive place to live in the country. I may have exagerated a *bit*, I think perhaps it may have been $1400/mo. for 950 sq feet & 1 covered parking space. But they hiked our rent ~ 5-7% every year the entire time we were there, so eventually the frog had to hop out before the water boiled.
We now live in a much larger house with a garage, but it's much farther out and away. Dumb luck we happen to work close to each other and can use HOV lanes, otherwise the commute would be miserable.
As I understand it, the same 950 sq feet will cost you ~ $1700/mo in the San Francisco area, which is the most expensive place to live in the country.
Posted by: Scott on May 21, 2004 01:20 PM