May 01, 2004
What Ever Happened To...

Oh. MY. God.

Remember Kirk Cameron? Well he is still out there. He went from T.V. to being a bible thumping nut job.

All you 'non christians' out there need to check out this site.

Are you good enough to go to heaven? Wait a second, do I care?


Posted by Ellen at May 01, 2004 03:25 PM

eMail this entry!

If you truly don't care, then why deride the man?

Yes, Cameron is an evangelical. He takes his religion very seriously. You're under no obligation to feel the same -- this is America, after all -- but if you don't care, then why poke fun at him? Why not just shrug, say "different strokes," and pass on to something you do care about?

I don't understand the need so many atheists and agnostics feel to mock those who hold to some faith. What do you get out of it?

Is it really the case that no one can flourish unless there's someone else that he can feel superior to? Is it really the case that, in our oh-so-enlightened-and-tolerant times, there's still a bigotry that one can get away with -- anti-Christian bigotry?

When this post is combined with the one below it, it makes AMCGLTD look sour-mouthed and small-minded. Do you really want to present that appearance to the country -- a country three-fourths of whose residents self-identify as Christians? If so, why?

Posted by: Francis W. Porretto on May 1, 2004 04:00 PM

HAHAH!! First comment! Why did I know I would get some satan vs christian boo-hoo on here?

Posted by: Ellen on May 1, 2004 04:05 PM

HAHAH!! First comment! Why did I know I would get some satan vs christian boo-hoo on here?

And why did I know you'd answer the question with a snarky insult?

You're as predictable as the people you make fun of.

Posted by: Ray on May 1, 2004 05:53 PM

Mmm.. snarky. I like it.

Posted by: Ellen on May 1, 2004 06:32 PM

Oh boy...I'm w/ Ellen on this one!! ...I'm a snark, and proud of it!!

I was born and raised Catholic, and I'm sure as hell happy to be rid of that nonsense. I have faith, plenty of it, but just not in mythical beings.

This reminds me of Bibleman!!... how Willie Ames from Charles in Charge turned into him. Eek!!

Posted by: battie on May 1, 2004 06:42 PM

OK, I'm insulted by Cameron's site. I mean, just because I am not Christian does not mean I'll make it into heaven. I'm Jewish and just as worthy as getting there as the rest of you.

Plus its his sites fault for having these silly NO/YES icons to click and then 'lecture' you on being a Christian.

People like Ray and Francis make it fun to for the rest of us to poke fun at. You all get your panties in a bunch over someone elses point of view. You don't like it, go elsewhere.

Posted by: Deana on May 1, 2004 06:42 PM

If Cameron's site offends you, and you'd like to reduce traffic to it, why did you link to it?

You know, a little civility goes a long way. Now you've derided me, without even knowing whether I'm a religionist myself. That's not exactly a mark of broad-mindedness.

"A strong sense of confidence is nearly always misplaced." (James Hogan) It's a characteristic vice of the overconfident -- especially the young and overconfident -- that they make fun of others with whom they disagree. The possibility that those others might just be right never crosses their minds.

Posted by: Francis W. Porretto on May 1, 2004 07:54 PM

hmmm - well, actually, I think the funny part is that he played a character that was obsessed with getting into the pants of women and now is trying to tell me how to live. as for the whole traffic comment above - nonsense. you can't tell if you'll want to see it, deride it, or tell your friends about it without taking a look
(in most cases). Also, everyone is fairly predictable. Just depends on a few observations to get most people pegged.

And to think that you'd call someone small minded because they poke fun at an exclusionist religion? hmmm, hipocrasy, anyone?

Last closing comment - just because 3/4 of the States think they are christian doesn't make it so. how many of those people have read the bible and made their own informed decision? how many of them even know the requirements to get into heaven (according to the bible)?

Posted by: ron on May 1, 2004 09:18 PM

you were smacked around by ruler-toting nuns as a child, weren't you?

Posted by: samkit on May 2, 2004 08:30 AM

nope - not at all. most of my church experiences were benign, until I got older and realized that organized christian religions are nothing more than power plays meant to keep the weak under control. all of the pastors that I've ever seen use guilt as a motive to keep some sort of control over all of the 'sheep' - and then part you from your money.

not that this invalidates the religion, just it's current crop of leaders.

Posted by: Ron on May 2, 2004 05:20 PM

actually, i meant ellen :P

Posted by: samkit on May 2, 2004 08:35 PM

Thanks for pointing out the web site. It really got me thinking real hard about my life. Mabye it's time I gave my life to Jesus. There's nothing in this world that seems to offer any real hope or comfort. Thanks again.

Posted by: jesse on September 7, 2005 10:05 AM
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