February 12, 2004
Maturity? Us?

In the annals of parenting there are guides, tips, and dirty tricks. This is definitely a dirty trick of the foulest sort.

ELLEN, in sweet, innocent, congested voice: "Could you check Olivia? I can't smell anything because of this cold!"

SCOTT: "Sure, no problem." Leans over to baby gumming a toy block sitting at the foot of the couch... *sniff* "Yup, she needs changing."

ELLEN, in completely clear normal voice: "HA-HA! You found it first! You have to change her!"


Women are evil. I'm only just beginning to realize the implications of having two in the house.

The horror... the horror...

Posted by scott at February 12, 2004 03:36 PM

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ROTFLMAOPIMP! Just wait, you haven't a clue yet.

Posted by: Pat on February 13, 2004 01:50 AM
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