February 05, 2004
Testing 1, 2, 3...

Finally, an e-bay auction item that won't expire! Well, not for the next 27 years at any rate. The bid history page is a hoot.

This sorta reminds me of when my college buddies took a hex editor to their copy of Moria, a netHack clone. They were trying to pre-stock all the really good stuff in the store, but instead ended up with a store stocked with ,'s. That's right, commas. Damned things were expensive too! They were great for squashing peasants with (you could throw them a long way), but apparently didn't do much damage to dragons.

Yeah I know. After about fifteen minutes of giggling even we thought it was all too geeky for words. Ah, college...

Posted by scott at February 05, 2004 12:33 PM

eMail this entry!

This is a test auction. Ebay has made some major changes the past couple of months. Anytime you see Skippy listed as a seller it is a test auction.

Posted by: Pat on February 5, 2004 12:43 PM
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