December 09, 2003
Hillary... the Hawk?!?

I never thought I'd say this, but after reading this interesting analasys of Hillary Clinton's stance on Iraq, I think she may actually have a shot in 2008. A lot smaller than most other people think, but it's there, and 5 years is a long-ass time to build up a reputation.

I've always maintained Hillary is a great policy wonk but a poor politician... not enough of the ass-kisser in her. Who's to say she can't learn?

Wow... two compliments to Democrats in one day. Clintons no less. I need to push the yellow-dog peanut gallery bleachers back a little farther. Their radiation must be getting to me.

Posted by scott at December 09, 2003 03:52 PM

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keep it up and you'll be a full-fledged liberal, Scott. Be careful, you're treading on dangerous ground..... You must now write something right-wing Republican oriented and atone for your sins of complimenting a Clinton!

Posted by: Jim S on December 11, 2003 02:11 PM
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