December 05, 2003
Local Fact-Checking

Remember the story about the woman who got trampled in Wal Mart? Picked up by the wire services, the news story got as far as China. Well, a local news station actually did some research and found out something interesting:

A woman reported "trampled" last Friday by Wal-Mart shoppers desperate for $29.87 DVD players has a long history of claiming injuries from Wal-Marts and other businesses where she worked or shopped.

Well, at least this correction got on somebody's front page.

Posted by scott at December 05, 2003 08:21 AM

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A $30 DVD player? DO you hafta spin the disc on your finger and use a laser pen to read it? F her. I hope it hurt.

Posted by: richie on December 5, 2003 12:41 PM

We actually have one of those. It's not as bad as Richie says, but almost.

- The DVD tray takes about five minutes, from the pressing of the eject button, to finally pop out. No, I'm not kidding. There's no way to manually open it, either, short of ripping the eject mechanism to pieces.

- It is 100% incompatible with all universal remotes. (It was designed this way, according to the instruction manual, because "universal remotes would not allow access to important features of the DVD player." No word on what these important features are, though.)

- You are not allowed to fast-forward through any of the warnings, advertisements, and other crap on your way to the DVD menu. Literally, all the menu buttons (and even the eject button!) are disabled on inserting a disc, until all of the ads have been played and the DVD list appears naturally for the first time.

Posted by: Tatterdemalian on December 7, 2003 08:12 AM
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