September 30, 2003
Yeah, That's the Ticket...

The fark headline says it all:

Iran claims enriched Uranium at one of their sites must belong to another country. Also claims bag of weed belongs to Holland.

Would someone please explain to me why the press hasn't made the most obvious point about this? Mainly, what does a country that has so much oil it limits production have any business doing developing a "peaceful" nuclear reactor? Yeah, wow, I can just see the board meeting for this one:

Achmed: "We can have peaceful, safe, hassle-free, cheap oil-fired electrical generators. Or we can have really expensive, hard-to-build, complex-to-administer, nuclear powered systems nobody but North Korea wants us to have."

Ahmed: "Well, of course we'd only be using the nuclear reactor for peaceful purposes. By Allah, let's go with the nuclear option!"

I mean, am I the only one who sees the "peaceful use" excuse as thinner than an "ultra-sensitive" condom and more full of crap than my kid's last diaper? I guess the media won't, at least until someone puts out a press release.

If Iran doesn't scare the hell out of you you're not paying attention. We're so damned busy with Iraq I can only hope Israel steps up to the plate again. Because all Europe (i.e. France and Germany) will do is "negotiate" via the oh-so-effective UN process all the while selling them the bits they need to finish the damned thing.

God I love international politics.

Posted by scott at September 30, 2003 09:07 AM

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I hope somebody else does something because at the moment we can't. Of course we do have all of those troops, tanks, and planes right next door.... THAT'S IT!!!!! WE DIDN'T GO INTO IRAQ BECAUSE OF *Fill in the Administrations reason this week* WE WENT INTO IRAQ TO HAVE A SPRINGBOARD FOR IRAN!!!!

Posted by: Jeff on September 30, 2003 12:54 PM
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