August 26, 2003
More Voices from Fundie-Land

Just when you thought it was safe to take your gaming books out of the closet, something like this pops up. The amount of energy the fundie right wastes on this sort of thing completely amazes me. Stop telling smart kids what to do with their lives, and start trying to actually help the poor like you're supposed to.

They'll never do it though because you know that most poor people are [whisper]those kids of people*[/whisper].

* i.e. anyone undesirable or difficult from their narrow point of view. Insert black, hispanic, asian, single mothers, etc. in the blank.

Posted by scott at August 26, 2003 12:16 PM

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This "Magical World View" they talk about seems more prevalent in the article than in D&D!
Gee, what if your game actually invokes a demon??

Ack. I hate when people lose personal responsibility. They're degrading their personal dignity.

Posted by: Jon on August 27, 2003 12:18 PM

I played these games pretty regularly from about 16 to about 25, maybe even 30. I can say without reserve that if any combination of dice rolling and pimply faced boys yelling "I CAST SUMMON DEMON YOU TEAM KILLING F*CKTARD!" had actually resulted in even wisps of smoke forming around a book or table there would've been Wiley Coyote-like cutouts in the walls of the room, one for each of us as we left at "maximum forward velocity."

As I recall we avoided such things as much as possible. Demons and devils were baddest of the badasses. Having your character screw around with them, even to protect innocents, was usually a quick ticket to whatever afterlife your character's belief system promised him/her.

Posted by: scott on August 27, 2003 12:28 PM

you know, I'm not sure if i should laugh or weep at this person.

To say anything is the sole downfall of our young males, be it D&D, video games, movies, TV, premarital sex, or snow-cones seems to be a bit extreme to me.

Perhaps the next evil satanistic demon swilling porno anti-christ movement will be against say, anime and cos-play fans - I mean, they are really into their hobbies right? - enough to "leave the realm of realiy".? If that won't work, then maybe we should target book clubs, better yet, fantasy, sci-fi and horror book clubs. Certainly people that love to live in books, esp books deal with fantasy, sci-fi and horror, (and any scientific book disproving creationism) are well on thier way to sacrificing sacrificing BBQ chicken, and raping the neighbors piccachu stuffed animal.

Perhaps the downfall of society is the lack of religion in our youth? In reality, I think this translates to lack of Christian youth. Kids are getting a better view of the world now a days, and for better or for worse, they are smart enough to make thier own choices in belief. "My god, your child is a buddist?!? call the priest, its time for an exorcism, D&D and cracker-jacks! were the culprits behind this!!"

I think quite the opposite is true. Organized religions generally cause more harm than any atheist (short of that atheist mathamatically disproving the a higher being could not exist - and then, math would suddently be satanic, demon swilling and beastality instilling.)

but what do I know, I watch anime, play video games, watch movies, have a HUGE collection of D&D books, and drive a Civic... plus my name is damion.

Lock up your children.

Posted by: damion on August 29, 2003 03:56 PM

I know you're harmless unless of course one gets a big hug when you are wearing your spiked collar. I am still having a hard time explaining why Olivia is wearing a dress with skulls and bones on it, a black dress at that. LOL


Posted by: Pat on August 31, 2003 04:39 PM
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